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L.A. Cafe
The LA Café Coffeehouse, located at 91 College St. in Lewiston, is a service of Hope House to the Lewiston/Auburn community, featuring live music, movies, family entertainment, and a snack shop. It provides people of all ages with a fun place to gather and socialize. Families enjoy the free popcorn on the tables, the playroom for kids, and the book/video library. Area youth enjoy nights geared to them, where they can hear bands play in a safe, alcohol-free setting. Singles like the relaxed atmosphere where they can mingle and meet new friends.

The coffeehouse began in 1997, started by a couple from Los Angeles who missed the warm beaches and friendly coffeehouses of the West Coast. They were amazed at the good music around New England, and wanted to give local artists a laid-back setting in which to share their talents and delight listeners.

Fun at the L.A. Cafe
​Happy New Year!

Take a look at our neighborhood gathering for "Somali Culture Night"... also celebrating Bruce's birthday and the New Year, featuring singer Jamal Ali as well as Omar, Bosteyo, and Jan, and a song for God's blessing in the New Year.
By This New Year’s End
Whatever the new year holds,
Wherever this new road goes,
Lets walk it together,
Neighbors and friends,
And pray that by this new year’s end
Our children all will know they’re safe,
Our hungry ones will all be fed,
Our weak and old will be valued then,
Our homeless will have warm beds
By this new year’s end.

Let’s ring in the new year,
With joy so clear
For blessings of last year
That brought us here.
Inshallah, God willing,
We’ll sing once again,
Better friends by this new year’s end.

As good neighbors’ hands are lent,
As friends pray that God will bless,
This new year might be
The best and brightest one yet
By this new year’s end.
Whatever the new year holds,
Wherever this new road goes,
Let’s walk it together,
Neighbors and friends,
Grateful to gather again.


© 2012 Jan Willson

(Somali version)
Sannadka Cusub
Waxkastoo Sannadka Cusub inoo keeno
Meelkastoo jidkiisa cusub nalo aado
An wada jir kuwada socono oo abaarno
Daris iyo Saaxiibo giddigeenba kuna
Ducaysano inuu nabad ku damaado
Ilmahuna ogaadaan inay nabadtahay
Kuwa gaajaysanna Alle raashimi doono
Duqowshaha tabarta darranna la tixgelin
Kuwaan howga la'aanta sarilro loo fidin
Sannadkan cusub intuusan dhammaan

Aan u wada riyaaqno sannadkan cusub
Annaggo si cad ugu faraxsan oo Alle ku
Mahad celinayna inuu sanadkan
Dhamaaday isku kaayo keenay
Inshallah, sida Ilaahay doonayo
Waan ducaysanaynaa mar kale,
Saxiibo wanaagsan Sannadkan.

Sida daris wanaagsan aan gacmaha is
Qabsanno kuna ducaysanno in Eebbe na
Daryeelo sannadkan cusub noogana
Dhigo kii ugu ficnaa ee kha yrka badnaa
Sannadkan cusub ee soo socda
Waxkaksta uu inoo hayo oo inoo sido
​Meelkasta jidkiisa cusub nalo aado
​An wada jir kuwada socono oo abaarno
Daris iyo Saxxiibo giddigeenba kuna
Ducaysanno inuu Ilaahay isu kaayo
Keeno mar kale
