Oil and Wine for the Wounded 
Abuse Recovery Course           Suggested Donation         $40.00
(Save $9.00 on whole set)
Created by Bruce and Jan Willson out of years of Hope House work with hurting single mothers. Based on the Good Samaritan story (Luke 10), four steps toward healing from past abuse:  1) Recall the Robbery2) Receive the Oil and Wine3) Spend Time at the Inn4) Get Ready for the Road.     For groups or one-on-one.  Widely used by crisis pregnancy centers, churches, counselors, and women's ministries.  Recommended by Focus on the Family, Youth for Christ, Women's Aglow, MOPS, Heartbeat Intl., Loving and Caring.     Complete course includes Bible Study Workbook, Leaders Guide, 3 song CD's, and introductory booklet "Hope for the Walking Wounded".

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Oil and Wine for the Wounded Workbook 
   Suggested donation            $10.00

       A workbook to guide abuse survivors through a journey to recovery.  Draws rich pictures from the story of the wounded man helped by the Good Samaritan.  Real life examples and song lyrics woven throughout. Discusses how to find good "Samaritans" (compassionate friends) and good "inns" (safe places) to aid in the recovery process.  A gentle yet comprehensive map to guide abuse survivors on a journey to wholeness, from acknowledging the hurt, to finding healing, to personal growth, to helping others.  For support groups or one-on-one.

Oil and Wine for the Wounded Leaders Guide
Suggested donation           $6.00

Guides course facilitators in leading a support group or working one-on-one. Includes suggestions the authors have tried and proven.  Describes the stages of grief.  Lets "Samaritans" know what to expect as they assist the wounded.

Hope for the Walking Wounded...
First Aid for Hurting Parents
Booklet (suggested donation) $3.00     Discussion Questions (suggested donation) $1.00

A good tool to introduce the course, aimed at young moms or moms-to-be you suspect may have abuse in their pasts. Gently brings up the subject of abuse by addressing how ripples affect parenting.  Uses new real-life examples.  Discussion questions available.

Oil and Wine for the Wounded Song CD's
Suggested donation      $10.00
Note: Lyrics from the following CD's are printed throughout the workbook.  It is most effective to play the songs when the lyrics appear, as music is a powerful tool.
It Shouldn't Hurt to be a Child
Songs of hope and healing, describing childhood wounds from such things as incest and divorce.  Lush orchestration, tender vocals.  Songs written and sung by Jan Willson, artfully produced by Bob Cull, with Eric DiBerardo.
Evening Psalms
A soothing balm for nighttime restlessness, especially during the recovery process.  A good wind-down or lullaby tool for all ages.  Gentle songs by Jan, set against beautiful guitar work by Eric DiBerardo, and produced by Eric.
Coming of Age
Upbeat songs by Jan Willson describing joys and struggles of growth.  Deals with healing of memories, forgiveness, marriage and parenting.  Produced by Eric DiBerardo, with Terry and Wendy Talbot, Terry and Nancy Clark, and a Band Called David.
Tender Touch Note Cards
Suggested donation     $5.00
Artist Ann Felber's soft watercolor pastels, with words of encouragement.  Three different scenes: a floral, an ocean view, and a weary young woman bowed in prayer (cover art on Oil and Wine material).  Set of 8 note-cards with envelopes.  A nice gift item, especially for Oil and Wine course participants.
Hope Chests
Chastity Tract
  Suggested donation      $1.00        10 or more         .75
A unique abstinence tool created by Jan Willson,  used by crisis pregnancy centers.  A mini cardboard box folds to become a single girl's miniature hope chest, not big enough for china but just right for storing dreams.  A small ribbon-tied scroll inside the chest presents an abstinence appeal and success story.  Great to give pregnancy center clients, single moms, girls in youth groups, and teen daughters! 

Three Cheers for Single Moms Booklet
Suggested donation     $.50
Ever seen a pamphlet of faith promises and stories just for single moms? Neither had we!  So we made one.  Now you can encourage a struggling single mom that 1) You're Not Alone, 2) Your Needs Are Covered, and 3) You've a Special Calling!  Written by Jan Willson, including her song lyrics to "Baby, We Can".

Music also available on cassette for the same price
Listen to sample songs at
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Feeling Safe Again
    A colorful retelling of the Good Samaritan story, written by Bruce & Jan Willson and illustrated by Emma Broom, in a beautiful 8 1/2x11 edition by Paradigm Graphics.   Shows how to feel safe again after abuse or trauma.  Compelling Somali characters make this an effective cross-cultural tool for young and old alike, gently reminding of the importance of loving diverse neighbors.
Suggested donation          $10.00