Celebrating Who God Brings to Maine

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Hope House honored to host 
 Afghan evacuees in Maine 
  Another great team from Chinese Bible Church of Greater Boston welcomed by local neighbors at a Free Outdoor Market
Free Outdoor Markets a popular and safer way to share food and clothes during the pandemic with both new and long-time friends

Pastor to encourage us all  from Boston makes 2 summer trips to H.H. to encourage us all 
Mom Willson from LA joins H.H. team at 93
 Bruce & Jan's daughter Rachel & son-in-law Norbert from Hungary who encouraged us in December   
Afra from Sudan, now H.H. Board Member, travels to Boston with 
Bruce & Jan in Nov.to teach tips on welcoming new immigrants  
Bruce & Jan, Zac & Selina and kids Lilly, Emily, Robin, Olivia, Max, and Mom
Love makes room for more! And the blessings are great when we do that. Afra is one of our "great blessings". In the years since she resettled in Maine, she has continually given back to the community. Glimpse Afra Sharing Hope at Hope House to see how she welcomes new ones to Hope House and to Maine. Mom Willson, Bruce's mom, is another great blessing. (See her above, bagging masks for our center.) Read of her legacy of hospitality that our daughter Rachel wrote about, in "Seventy Four Years on Yolanda".

Some who travelled from Northern Maine to assist our Free Women's Health Clinic this last year were Dr. Colette Charles as well as Dr. Mary Vaughan. It touched our hearts to see these skilled physicians reach out to care for our needy neighborhood. Others who almost made it back to Maine for a visit this last year were our son and daughter-in-law, Noah & Bora, and our grandkids Jubilee and Jinha. We hope their visit can happen in 2022. Right now they are kept busy in Seoul, check out how God is using them there to welcome international students. We also hope for a visit from our daughter Sarah, and Daniel, in Oregon, and we look forward to welcoming Daniel to Maine for the first time!

We have seen God work miracles of provision this last year to equip our Family Support Center's food program through new freezers, fridges, and funds. God used generous groups and individuals to keep us supplied with clothing, diapers, hygiene items, and other goods to share. He has enabled needed repairs on our buildings, and heated our buildings, through support from Maine and beyond. As we see God open new opportunities to welcome and host new families needing care in 2022, we trust Him to provide the extra resources we will need to serve them.

We are so grateful to all who have linked arms with us this last year to support our "welcoming team". May God's blessings fill your 2022!

Care services are by appointment all winter and Free Outdoor Markets resume in the spring.